Tuesday 24 May 2011

Feedback from Schematic Submission

Tutor 1:
Good to see you have an understanding of the experiences of the user.
Need to work out which is the Pit Garage that is best spot for the race, as this is where most people will likely congregate. This Garage will most likely have the winning team.

Catering for these events is a huge logistics problem, you'll need to really consider this within the final design and how it will work of such a large building on multiple levels.
Perhaps placing your building on the corner would give you greater freedom over the architecture of your building.

Tutor 2:
Should investigate how VIP's get from you VIP room to the Pit Lane, and how does this journey make them a VIP
Start to solidify your ideas. You've shown me many differing options and its good to see that your project is evolving, but just remember that at some point you need to stop design.

Good to see that the museum is now reconnected within the race track, however can this be taken further, can the race track go through the museum, can ytou witness both old and new side my side.

Tutor 4:
This building is not one that is seen from the outside. It is internally veiwed and as such, you'll need to consider more finer detailing of the internal parts and paths of the building. Does this change the way you view the building?
I think you need to ask yourself
What do I want?
What can I get?
What am I getting?
I can see why you have done certian things, however in doing something you may be creating a problem elsewhere, either for yourself as the project develops or for the building.

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